On Thursday, November 17th, 2022, National Rural Health Day, members of the CHARM lab attended Beth Macy’s discussion on her newest book RAISING LAZARUS: Hope, Justice, and the Future of America’s Overdose Crisis at the University of South Carolina’s Pastides Alumni Center. Macy’s work on the overdose crisis resonates with related research in the CHARM lab, which is currently recruiting for a study focused on the influence of close relationships on alcohol use. Beth emphasized that substance use disorder is a chronic health issue with relapses occurring frequently. People living with substance use disorder often require four to five treatment episodes over an average of eight years to achieve one year of sobriety. Macy’s work has drawn upon her interactions with physicians, substance users, and their families and has raised awareness about the urgent need for substance use treatment options. Check out the Hulu series Dopesick and read Macy’s published work for more insight into the challenges presented by substance use disorder in the United States.