As part of mentoring a PhD student at her previous institution, Dr. Fillo recently co-authored an article published in the journal Children entitled “The effect of financial scarcity on reinforcer pathology: A dyadic developmental examination”. This research examined the effects of food insecurity on children’s eating behavior. Findings suggest that the effects of food insecurity may be strongest in middle childhood and may be driven by parent behavior. These findings underscore the need for programs aimed at alleviating food insecurity to provide sufficient resources for both parents and children in a household in order to reduce the negative effects of food insecurity.
This publication is a product of Dr. Amanda Crandall’s dissertation research, funded by a pre-doctoral fellowship from National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (F31 DK116426). Dr. Fillo mentored Dr. Crandall in the analysis of the dyadic longitudinal data collected from parents and children, which was collected as part of the research. Dr. Crandall is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan.

The publication is available here: